
Risevest HQ Office, Lagos, Nigeria


The client reached out to us to create a workspace that’ll accommodate its total workforce ( as its workforce at that time were remotely distributed all over the country due to insufficient workspace at their existing office facility).

The project was developed in an abandoned office space in Yaba, previously owned by “Bridgestone”.

The proposal aimed to create a “Rise” world of its own, maintaining the diverse activities and company’s assets, and projecting the brand’s values and identity in its space.

One of the major project design themes was the construction of a colorful playful environment to give employees a better working psychology  thereby enhancing productivity and positive work culture. This was achieved through the integration of multiple greens in the workspaces, wall arts, brand colors, lighting interplay and creating less boring/conventional workspace aesthetics.

Among these are the pockets breakout lounges and alternative workspace creating a revealing resource of diverse experiences and artistic interventions based on colors, textures and themes.

Another is creating a working environment that speaks more of the brand culture and projects the work culture of the spaces.

“By far the biggest workplace design factor in boosting productivity is giving employees the ability to control their own work environment”.  We worked closely with a senior management member of the Rise team to give us more insight on the working requirements of each department of the firm. In return , we carefully carved out varieties of working environments ( individually and as a unit) that would not only give a comfortable workspace but also enhance productivity of its staff. This is expressed with the introduction of private work pods, private work booths and collaborative work booths and collaborative workstations as well as private offices partitions .

As the famous saying goes , all work and no play makes jack a dull boy, we introduced multiple breakout spaces with varieties of comfort conditions to enhance collaborations and productivity. Lounges,Nap rooms, Games room, and kitchen are introduced to take them out of the conventional workspace and give its users a breather.


The first impression of a space tells us more about what is to be expected in the remaining area of the building.

The existing condition of the building posed both a problem and somewhat an opportunity for us as designers.  Due to the structural condition of the building, we could only make fewer structural adjustments in our design. The reception area, we converted the existing structural recesses in the building to waiting booths for visitors, thereby maximizing the use of the space. The backdrop of the reception wall we created had an interplay of visual continuity with vertical lines concealing the entrance door into the main space. Embedded in this panel is a moss wall housing the company’s Logo.

Inpath Technologies Office, Accra, Ghana

The team aimed to create an office environment that inspires collaboration, creativity, and productivity, while also demonstrating the brand’s ideals.

The design process commenced with an in-depth exploration of the brand’s core values, which centred on cutting-edge innovation and environmental stewardship. The concept of rustic minimalism provided a balance between modernity and natural simplicity, setting the stage for a harmonious and eco-friendly workspace.

MyFurex Head Office, Lagos, Nigeria

A workspace design for a tech company requires one to incorporate the elements that fosters creativity, collaboration and productivity, that is why the work done at MyFurex by DHK Designs implemented these elements to make working at the company smooth.

Designing the workspace with a flexible layout that creates ease of movement and accommodation for its staff was a priority of the client, from the seating structure of each staff to a desk to the spacious aisle for easy access to other areas of the office.

Standing our ground on investing in high quality furniture and pieces, the team at DHK Designs sourced for ergonomic chairs, adjustable desks, that supports employee comfort and well-being, especially for those spending long hours at their desks. You can also find at some corners of the office, a sofa for one to sit and brainstorm whilst being cozy, a bean bag for a more relaxed time-out off work, a cubic side foam stool that adds a  unique style to the room.

Introducing the elements of nature into the workspace, such as the smaller green plants found on the corners of the work desks and the taller plants at each corridor, to improve air quality and stress reduction. The project requirements to infuse the designs with elements that reflects the company’s brand and culture was greatly put to use; such as the colour scheme, graphics, picture frame that speaks words of technology and the logo displays, to create an inspiring environment.

Making sure to give keen attention to details in the design of MYFUREX HEAD office involved selection of high-quality materials, with thoughtful placement of the furniture and design pieces all to incorporate the values and identity of the company. 


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